Monday, October 21, 2013

It's always something...

Do you ever wonder who you are? Maybe the better question is, do you ever wonder what you are? Many of us are wives, mothers, and daughters. For me you could add author, crafter, butcher, baker, and candle stick maker, to a whole list of people I am things that I do; but for a while, I lost a lot of that.

Writing isn't something I choose to do. If I stopped for an extended period of time I'd be highly medicated and in a puddle of my on drool in a padded room some where, but needing to something isn't the same as needing it to take over you life. I had let writing take over. I was still a wife, I was still a mother, but I quit everything I had a choice about and I made some really good excuses.

But I have grown tired of them. I missed crafting as soon as I stopped making time for it, but it was something I thought I would get over. I didn't, but I made myself take off an entire year anyway. Absence, they say, makes the hard grow fonder but as it turns out it's the same for hobbies. I have decided that crafting means enough for me to make time for it.

This is me, the scrapbooker. If by chance you were looking for Author Angela Kulig, she can be found here. (She is also me.)

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